Viral Message: The little girl in this picture was about crossing the road, not knowing that a vehicle was coming towards her direction which knocked her down.

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Fact Check by Ayupp Fake

Viral message example-   

The little girl in this picture was about crossing the road, not knowing that a vehicle was coming towards her direction which knocked her down. According to the news information, she was rushed to the hospital by the owner of the vehicle {the person who's carrying the little girl in this picture}. Getting to the hospital, the little girl collapsed and couldn't move or talk againdue to excess bleeding. Though she's still alive, breathing through Oxygen. Our prayers can bring her back to life, may the almighty God bring her back to live In Jesus Name. Please Share..
I declare that every Hand that type Amen Will never experience sorrow & untimely death in their family. Amen!
Type Amen if you have Human sympathy and you value a human soul... Ignore this if you're heartless. Remember God is watching you...Please SHARE on your wall, she needs our prayers to survive!!!

Viral Message Verification:-  The image used in this viral facebook post is from the facebook group Breaking News-BN", requesting the users to share and give some comment’s is not correct.

The facebook post says “she was rushed to the hospital by the owner of the vehicle {the person who's carrying the little girl in this picture}. Getting to the hospital, the little girl collapsed and couldn't move or talk againdue to excess bleeding.”, further it says “Type Amen if you have Human sympathy and you value a human soul... Ignore this if you're heartless. Remember God is watching you...Please SHARE on your wall, she needs our prayers to survive!!!”.

Actually this image is quite old and taken from a Russian webpage. The title of the story in Russian language is “ПРAВОСЛАВНЫЙ ФАШИЗМ: ВОЗРОЖДЕНИЕ”, that means “ORTHODOX FASCISM: REVIVAL”., this story was published on 11/10/2015 at 14:18 Blog.

The girl in the picture got hurt due to terrorist attack at Cherkizovsky market. As per the website “Actually, the information about the explosion at the Cherkizovsky market was long ago no longer news, the terrorists were convicted and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment a few years ago, they told quite a lot about it. However, official mass media mainly kept silent about the pronounced Orthodox orientation of the fascists. As a result of this necrosadic act, 14 people died, including two children, another 47 people were injured.”

The 2006 Moscow market bombing occurred on August 21, 2006, when a self-made bomb of the power of more than 1 kg of TNT exploded at Moscow's Cherkizovsky Market frequented by foreign merchants.

We have no more information on the girl that what happened after the attack.

So we can surely say that the picture used in the facebook post has nothing to do with road crossing and getting hurt.

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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