A video it is being shared on social media where it is said that several employees of Punjab National Bank were found infected with coronavirus in Ghaziabad.

News CLAIM: A video it is being shared on social media where it is said that several employees of Punjab National Bank were found infected with coronavirus in Ghaziabad.

गाजियाबाद लोनी के बलराम नगर क्षेत्र में पंजाब नेशनल बैंक की शाखा के एक कर्मचारी को कोरोना पॉजिटिव पाया गया स्वास्थ्य विभाग की टीम ने सभी18 बैंक कर्मचारियों को क्वॉरेंटाइन किया गया एवं इलाके को सैनिटाइज भी कराया गया
बराय मेहरबानी आप सभी अपने घर में ही रहे ओर प्रसासन का सहयोग करे ...

TRUTH & Verification

Corona infection is increasing in India. The number of COVID-19 infected patients has crossed 37 thousand so far.

The video has been going viral on social media, in which the employees of Punjab National Bank's Ghaziabad Loni branch can be seen evacuating and are sent in an ambulance.

We found that the claim made with the viral video is misleading. Not all employees of the PNB Loni’s Branch were COVID infected, but only one employee was found to be Corona positive. On this matter, Loni SDM Khalid Anjum said that an employee at Punjab National Bank's Loni branch was found to be Corona positive, after which 17 bank employees including two guards were sent to Quarantine.


About The Author

David Orwell is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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