Viral Claim: The message viral every year around the Valentine’s day claims, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, the trio were awarded death sentence in the Lahore conspiracy case on February 14, 1931
Facts Check: Fake / False
Viral News in Social Media Twitter / Facebook / WhatsApp / Others Examples:
Forget Valentine's Day, 14 Feb should be 'black day' to remember Bhagat Singh
( 14 feb Black day of indian History.)
The activists, while paying glowing tributes to Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, claimed that the trio were awarded death sentence in the Lahore conspiracy case on February 14, 1931 though they were hanged on March 23 that year.
Jay Hind.
The activists, while paying glowing tributes to Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, claimed that the trio were awarded death sentence in the Lahore conspiracy case on February 14, 1931 though they were hanged on March 23 that year. Inderjit Karwal, senior state Vice-President Shiv Sena (Bal Thackeray) and Rajesh Palta, Vice President Shiv Sena Punjab, said February 14 was a "black day, rather than a love day, as our heroes were awarded death sentence on this day". Jai hind