Many Empty Covid-19 vaccines shots shared in India are from Abroad

News claim:  Multiple users on social media shared foreign videos of empty vaccines shots insisting that these videos are from India.  

Viral News Information: टिका लगाते समय मुँह ना घुमायें,

यह देख ले कि दवाई अंदर गयी है या नहीं...

नर्सिंग स्टाफ केवल सूई चुभा कर निकाल लेते है

इस कठिन समय में भ्रष्टाचार की हद हो गयी ...

4 वीडियो में देखें

Don't turn your mouth while applying tika,

Check if the medicine has gone in...

Nursing staff only take out the needle by pricking

Corruption has crossed the limit in this difficult time...

Watch in 4 video

Archive Link

News Verification & Origin: Ayupp fact check team found that the news information given is not true. Amid reports of multiple instances happening in India. The incident of Bihar vaccine is similar example.

The four videos shared on Social media is not true. These videos are from Mexico, Ecuador and Brazil 

Video 1:


Video 2: cnnespanol

Video 3:

News Rating Shared on Social media: False news

About The Author

Ashwin Roy is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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