New Delhi: After offering affordable 4G services in the country, Reliance Jio has made a huge change in the mobile market across India. Now JIO has announced bumpers vacancies for the youth. These vacancies will be done in the service, supply chain, marketing and sales department to run better business operations in the company. These posts will be recruited to provide better facilities to the fast growing consumers of the company.

JIO ready to fight with the DTH companies

At present, both experienced and fresher candidates will be recruited by the company. After feature phone, the company's plan is to enter into the DTH service. In this case, the company will need more staff. These vacancies are in many fields including Customer Service to Sales.

Freshers can also apply

Freshers candidates can apply for executive premium relationship manager, positions in digital repair specialist. At the same time experienced candidates have the opportunity to apply on many different vacancies.

Position for experienced candidates

According to the information given on the company's website, there are separate vacancies in different departments. Sales and Distribution (2002), Customer Service (144), Engineering and Technology (100), IT & Systes(83), Infrastructure (29), Operations (26), Supply Chain (14), Alliance and Business Development (13), Corporate Affairs (4) Finance Compliance and Accounting (15), Marketing (4), Corporate Service (3), others(233) and Human Resource and Training (3) posts are vacant

Know how to apply?

Click on the search button and get the job details

Candidates wishing to work in Reliance Jio will have to apply by visiting In order to apply, you must first register yourself at After this you can apply by visiting the relevant field of the position you want to apply also. After applying, your assessment test is done. If you pass this, your interview and selection process will start.

About The Author

Pravin Pathak is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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