New Delhi: Bollywood actress Amy Jackson has shared some of her latest photos on her social media account. She is looking hot in her new look. She constantly shares her pictures on the social media for her fans. She will seen in Akshay Kumar and Rajinikanth’s upcoming movie  2.0. The film will be released next year on the occasion of Republic Day. By then, the actress continues to share photos of her photoshoots or vacations for her fans. Recently she shared a picture of his back. Sharing it, she wrote - came back to the sun. This photo was clicked by Samara Morris in Ibiza last month.

Amy loved by many photographers. Every time she shares her photos they get lots of likes. Shortly before, she shared a photo called Weekend Vibes. It started to be viral soon on social media. Amy had shared a picture with the Albright Fashion Library in which she was seen trying new things. She gave it a caption - literally went to heaven in Albright Fashion Library LA today. Lots of love for this small pocket These girls have some skills.

Amy Jackson's character has been kept secret in the much acclaimed movie 2.0. But a few minutes ago a picture was leaked from the film's set. Actually there was no specific information about Amy Jackson's role in the film. Now, Rajinikanth and Amy Jackson are both seen in a collage photo on the microblogging site Twitter. In the first picture, Rajinikanth seems to be preventing something from falling, while Amy Jackson is seen in a robot's eyes driving the truck. This is the first time that Amy Jackson's look has surfaced on social media.

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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