Circus, Shah Rukh Khan: The 1989 Indian television series directed by Aziz Mirza & Kundan Shah, set in a circus troupe and starring popular Hindi film actor of today, Shah rukh Khan when he was a newcomer and Ashutosh Gowariker who subsequently directed movies such as Jodha-Akbar, Swades, Lagaan, & Baazi.

As per the tweet by DDNational Circus is back again on DD channel once again. DD channel tweeted on Monday:

Good news for @iamsrk Fans -
DON'T MISS @iamsrk's #Circus - Tv Series (1989) - From 19 Feb at 8 pm only on @DDNational

Directed By: The series was directed by Aziz Mirza and Kundan Shah

Actors: Shahrukh Khan, Rekha Sahay, Ashutosh Gowariker, Mita Vashisht, Renuka Shahane, Rahul Bhad

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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