List of countries living in the shadow of terror has been released by the US. India has overtaken Pakistan in this. In 2016, there were more terror attacks in India than on Pakistan. The list states that the most terrorist attacks happened in Iraq. Afghanistan is in the second number. After that India is at number three. Earlier Pakistan used to be third number and now India has overtaken it. According to data from the US State Department, there were 11,072 terror attacks in different corners of the world in 2016. Out of this 927 i.e. 16 percent of the total India has received. This figure was 798 in 2015. The number of deaths in these attacks increased by 17 percent. In 2015, it was 289 which were 337 in 2016. 500 wounded in the attacks in 2015, the figure touched 636 in 2016. In contrast, the number of terror attacks in Pakistan has come down. There were 1,010 assaults in 2015, which was less than 734 in 2016.

The report gave further blow. The Naxal is said to be the third most dangerous terrorist organization. Whose number comes just after ISIS and the Taliban. Naxal has been told to be more dangerous than Boko Haram. The name of the CPI (Maoist) came in 336 attacks in 2016. In which 174 people died and 141 were injured. The most dangerous attack of 2016 was in Bihar. In it 16 CRPF personnel were killed. The attack was carried out by the Maoists.

More than half of the terror attacks took place in four states in 2016. This includes Jammu Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Manipur and Jharkhand. The worst condition is of Jammu and Kashmir. Last year, such attacks saw an increase of 93 percent. However, in the report of the Home Ministry it was shown to increase 54 percent. According to the report, there has been a reduction of 63 percent in the case of kidnapping, captivity. In 2015, there were 866 cases which were reduced to 317 in 2016.

It has been reported in the report that in India, there are not two, but 52 groups, in the event of the terror plot to execute. Which is the highest compared to the other countries. In the year 2013, 334 organizations have been identified for spreading panic across the country. This number was 288 in 2015.

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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