The Social media is buzzing with a call to arrest Anuj and other with keepitupanujbajpai, coronavirus has come just a few days ahead,Quran virus have come many years back,

India: The Social media is buzzing with a call to arrest Anuj and other with keepitupanujbajpai, it is strange but true. The calls on social media are based on the tweet which many claim that it is against a particular religion.

On 11th Feb Anuj, put a tweet on Social media stating and mixing the words he said “coronavirus has come just a few days ahead, a medical solution has been found out. Quran virus has come many years back, still, its medical solution has not yet come out. I think Quran medicine is only with Yogi Baba”.

कोरोना वायरस कुछ दिनों पहले आया था ओर उसका तुरंत इलाज ढूंढ लिया गया .....

लेकिन #कुरान वायरस बहुत सालों पहले आया था ओर उसका इलाज अभी तक सम्भव नहीं हुआ है।

मुझे लगता है #कुरान वायरस की दवा केवल योगी बाबा के पास है।

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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