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Game rangers were called to Lake Lawtonka after the report of a strange creature which had washed ashore.
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Game rangers were called to Lake Lawtonka after the report of a strange creature which had washed ashore. Marine Biologist Dr. Debra Polowotski was later called to the site and proclaimed to have never seen anything like it.
"The creature could be a freshwater crocodile, but it's too badly decomposed to tell without DNA testing."
The locals are not sure what it is although it has stimulated lots of discussion.
Debra also stated that photos of the animal have been sent to the U.S. Department of Conservation and the National Aquarium for identification. “If it is a crocodile, locals should be concerned because they are intimidated by closed-in spaces. They need a lot of room. You have to remember that this is a very big animal”, she said. Dr. Polotwotski also confirmed that the animal is a female and further examination of the corpse indicated that it had recently laid eggs. “Hopefully local wildlife will eat the eggs and can keep the population under control, else there is some cause for concern”, said Dr. Polowotski. “Boaters and swimmers really need to exercise some caution”.
The animal was discovered by Bob Ritchie and his wife Jill, both of Duncan Oklahoma. “We were just, you know, taking an evening walk along the shore and heading out to the Slough when we stumbled across it”, said Bob. “We were singing, drinking whiskey out of the bottle, not thinking about tomorrow. But something like this really does make you stop and think”, he said. Oklahoma fish and wildlife officials removed the animal from the shore and took it to an undisclosed location for further study.
Viral Message Verification – This is a fake message from the site breakingnews365, which claims Game rangers were called to Lake Lawtonka after the report of a strange creature which had washed ashore.”
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