Brief Outline: A viral message claiming “intelligence reports A distraught and frustrated Pakistan since it is incapable of attacking India in a direct war, is seeking Chinese help to cause the following damage,/ disturbance in India”
Facts Check: False
What is Viral?
*A Serious Alert* ... According to intelligence reports A distraught and frustrated Pakistan, since it is incapable of attacking India in a direct war, is seeking Chinese help to cause the following damage,/ disturbance in India ... *Please read this carefully and take proper care to safeguard your family from any kind of health or other problems*...
1.A different kind of crackers that produce smoke to cause Asthma in people who inhale that smoke.
2.Besides these crackers are also designed to produce Carbon Monoxide to cause breathing difficulty in people.
further, China is reportedly producing decorative coloured electric bulbs and serial bulbs with a high content of Mercury. The light produced / emitted by these bulbs can be highly injurious and cause vision -related disturrbances in persons exposed to the light, especially children.
*China is planning to flood the Indian market with these dangerous products considering the festive season ahead from Janmashtami till Diwali and Christmas*.
The public are advised to consider the above mentioned information seriously in their own interest and *totally avoid purchasing any and all such products Made in China*.
This measure is very essential for the well being of all Indians ...
*The Citizens are hereby requested to forward and propagate this serious alert to the maximum extent possible among contacts, friends and relatives to safeguard the people as well as the economy of the country* ...
*Jai Hind*
From : Biswajit Mukherjee,
Senior Investigation Officer,
The Home Ministry
( Ministry of Home affairs)
Government of India
*A Serious Alert* ... According to intelligence reports A distraught and frustrated Pakistan, since it is incapable of attacking India in a direct war, is seeking Chinese help to cause the following damage,/... https://t.co/hDSesULIuN
— Lalita Guha Sarkar (@GuhaLalita) August 18, 2019
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Facts Check Analysis: The message is going viral on social media in recent times, especially after the Indian government revoke article 370 and 35A. Pakistan and china went to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for an appeal against India and a closed-door meeting at UNSC by China. The results were not at all as Pakistan and China were expecting.
Coming back to the message, the message reads and claims to be from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), however, no such message has been issued by the government of India.
A similar message has been circulated since quite some time on social media. A message was posted by a facebook group Find Fake News, back in October 2017. Thus the current news on banning Chinese products is not new.
So the MHA has neither ban Chinese products in India or have asked it’s citizens to stop the purchase of the Chinese products.