Don’t forward any posts or videos etc. you receive regarding politics/present situation about Government/PM etc is fake
eRumor made by – Social Media and Internet
Confirmation by Ayupp.com – Fake message.
More Samples –
Twitter is monitored
Facebook is monitored
Allsocial media and forums are monitored
Inform those who do not know.
Yout devices are connected to ministry systems.
Take care not to send unnecessary messages
Inform your children, Relative and friends about this to take care
Don’t forward any posts or videos etc. you receive regarding politics/present situation about Government/PM etc.
Ayupp Analysis – This is just another example of fear mongering by the Government or may be non government authorities who are not in power. The message is spread to create a fear among the average citizen not to pass any message that can cause him trouble, if it is related to the government or the PM.
There has never been any advisory by the government of India against any such message, however as a common understanding we should not be spreading any message until we are totally convinced it is true and factual.
Don’t be part of the social cause simply because you feel the message is correct.