Viral Message:
Message circulating via social media and SMS warns people not to accept a video called ‘Sonia disowns Rahul’ because it is a very dangerous virus that will format your mobile phone.
eMessage on – Social media and internet
Fact Check by Ayupp– False/False News
Rumor: Running Since March, 2016
Viral Message Example
THIS IS A HOAX ----- Tell all the contacts on your list not to accept a video called the “Sonia disowns Rahul" It is a virus that formats your mobile. It is very dangerous. They announced it on the radio today. Fwd this MSG to as many as you can.pass it on please
Attention: There is a warning going out on a video called Sonia disowns Rahul, it is a virus that formats your cell phone, so be aware.
— Strongwill (@Strongwill3) July 8, 2017
Viral Message Verification – The message in circulation from a long time since march, 2016. The message warns the users not to accept a video called Sonia disowns Rahul, it claims that the message contains the virus.
As claimed in the message there is no evidence of the of the transmission of this message on the radio till date. There is no further message regarding this rumor in any government notification, any website or any news article which can verify the authenticity of this viral message.
The message first originated in March, 2016. There are other similar messages related to this message in the social media like Dance Of the Pope, which can be searched in snopes.