Viral Message: The Viral message claims Outbreak in Memphis, TN caused 14,810 men to contract Necrotizing fasciitis which is due to a bad pH balance in women.
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Fact Check by Ayupp– Fake
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The CDC – NCHS – National Center for Health Statistics started receiving reports of fingers disolving after fingering girls. They say the outbreak started out of Memphis, TN with 14,000 reported cases. Doctors didnt know what was going on at first but men complained about their fingers itching after fingering.
Doctors say the pH levels in women that live in Memphis are very acidic from eatingflamin hot cheetos, smoking regular weed and drinking jungle juice all day. Doctors say the best way to protect your fingers is to wear rubbers on your fingers.
Viral Message Verification:- The article was published with title Fingering girls causes flesh eating disease outbreak in Tennessee on March 31, 2018 by a website wittheshit and was a instant hit and has been widely shared across the social media, however just looking into some basic thing about the article you will find it is fake and not real (archived here)
The image shown in the picture is common skin problem known as warts
When skin warts appear, it can seem as if the harmless growths came out of nowhere. But common warts are actually an infection in the top layer of skin, caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus, or HPV, family. When the virus invades this outer layer of skin, usually through a tiny scratch, it causes rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of skin – creating the wart.
Wart do not spread from one person to another as mentioned in CDC
Read the below for more information
CDC Features - Necrotizing Fasciitis: A Rare Disease, Especially for the Healthy
Necrotizing fasciitis (neck-ro-tie-zing Fas-e-i-tis) is a serious bacterial skin infection that spreads quickly and kills the body's soft tissue. (Necrotizing means "causing the death of tissues.") Unfortunately, necrotizing fasciitis can be deadly in a very short amount of time. Accurate diagnosis, prompt antibiotic treatment (medicine that kills bacteria in the body), and surgery are important to stopping this infection.
What Causes Common Skin Warts?
Blame common viruses that exist nearly everywhere. From the WebMD Archives When skin warts appear, it can seem as if the harmless growths came out of nowhere. But common warts are actually an infection in the top layer of skin, caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus, or HPV, family.
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