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Fact Check by Ayupp Fake

Viral message example- After H&M faced huge controversy for putting an African American boy to model a hoodie which read “Coolest monkey in the jungle”, It is being reported that H&M is planning on releasing a new collection that according to chairman Stefan Persson, is “equally racist to all the other races”. The collection will be called the “You’re Not Alone” collection.

Stefan told reporters that the monkey hoodie was mostly being criticized by black people, so they decided to work on a collection that is racist to not only blacks, but also Hispanics, Whites, west Asians, and east Asians. Check out the collection so far below:

“It was never our intention to offend blacks, I have black friends” said collection designer David Enrique, “but since blacks were offended we have to keep it equal and offend everyone. We think blacks will be happy with this equally racist collection.”

Viral Message Verification:-  Some pictures with quote H&M titled as “H&M To Release “Equally Racist” Collection As Apology To Blacks” is from a satirical website and the story needs not to be assumed as a valid one.

The story was created in response to a controversy about H&M using an African American boy to model a hoodie with the imprint "Coolest monkey in the jungle" which was deemed by many people on the social media to be racist.

There were many pictures of the children’s posted with different quotes like  Middle Eastern kid: "I'm the bomb!", Puppy fever, Too Cool For School!, Shooting expert, Coolest monkey in the jungle

Huzlers styles itself as a "fauxtire" website and carries a disclaimer at the bottom of each page: is the most infamous fauxtire & satire entertainment website in the world. If it's trending on social media you'll find it here!

Many people have shared this news without any fact check and knowing about the history of HUzlers

About The Author

Olivia Murakami is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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