Mukesh Ambani Daughter Esha wears diamond dress 90 crore
eRumor made by – Internet and social media
Confirmation by Ayupp.com – FAKE
More Samples –
avoid Kitkat, it has calf meat
Media has ever told these?? Nestle company itself assumes that they In its it now.says Kalpana kitkat Calf meat Juice Is for once! And the fact that a religion is corrupt! _______________ ______________ Media has ever told these?!? Fair and lovely accommodation in Madras of the high cout When the company case Had been! The company had considered themselves! We are in cream Swine Fat oil is shaking!! _______________ _______________ _ Media has ever told these??!?
9 साल पहले जब भाई राजीव दीक्षित जी ने कहा कि ये विदेशी कंपनी nestle maggi मे सूअर के मास का रस मिलाती है ! तो लोगो ने उन पर बहुत बकवास की ! ये आदमी दिमाग खराब है ये कोई देहाती है ! और पता नहीं क्या क्या बोला ! आज वही nestle कंपनी खुद मानती है कि वे अपनी चाकलेट kitkat मे बछड़े के मांस का रस
मिलाती है ! तो क्या दूसरी चीजों मे नहीं मिलती होगी ????????
मानसिक गुलामी की जंजीरों मे जकड़े लोग ऐसे बातों पर तब तक विश्वास नहीं करेंगे जब तक अमीर खान 4 करोड़ रुपए लेकर सत्य मेव जयते मे नहीं बोलेगा !!
Ayupp Analysis – The above message claims that Kitkat contains calf meat. This message has been circulating on internet from a long time. All the claims made in this message is fake as it has never been proven by any organization officially. We checked for all the major news sites, but no one has ever published this news. Practically, such kind of news will spread by fire to get prime time coverage.
This kind of rumour has been spreading worldwide and in Feb 2013, one article was published in New York Times and BBC that nestle has removed two product due to horse meat scandal in London. If you read the article then it clearly states that this kind of incidence took place because of vendor who supplied beef in the product. The two refrigerated Nestlé pasta products, Buitoni Beef Ravioli and Beef Tortellini were questioned. But never ever questions were raised for Kitkat.
Hence we terms this message as fake.