Lalu Tejashwini Yadav fake images of Patna Rally
eMessage made by – Social media and internet
Confirmation by Ayupp.com – FAKE
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Lakhs of people gathered for the rally of RJD in Patna
No "Face" will stand in front of Lalu's "Base". Come & Count as much as u can in Gandhi Maidan, Patna #DeshBachao pic.twitter.com/sXoAcpwNKw
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) August 27, 2017
Ayupp Analysis – At Gandhi Maidan in Patna, Lalu Yadav posted a fake image on behalf of Rashtriya Janata Party and said that "BJP bhagao, desh bachao". Both father ( Lalu Yadav) and his son Tejashwini Yadav was present in the rally.
In contrast to that ANI posted the same image with very few as depicted by RJD supremo as shown below-