Sometimes, Social media is home of hoax and fake news items. McDonalds has been targeted this time. Below news has been popular on social media –

Viral message sample 1:

An Oklahoma City McDonald's outlet was caught with horse meat and human meat in their freezers. This story showed up in my news feed on Facebook this morning. I
was wondering if you could address it? Is this true or another disturbing
story just to stir people up?

Human Meat Found In McDonald’s Meat Factory.

Previously we brought you a report that detailed disturbing audio admissions by a man that claimed McDonald’s uses human meat as a filler in their 100% beef hamburgers and the fact that McDonald’s has been accused of using worm meat fillers. Now, inspectors have allegedly found human meat and horse meat in the freezer’s [sic] of an Oklahoma City McDonald’s meat factory. Human meat was also recovered in several trucks that were on their way to deliver the patties to the restaurants. According to various reports, authorities have inspected factories and restaurants across the country and have found human meat in 90% of the locations. Horse meat was found in 65% of the locations. FBI agent Lloyd Harrison told Huzler reporters, “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat. The body parts were found across the US factories and were deemed too small to be adult body parts. This is truly horrible”.

Viral message sample 2:

 أغلقت وزارة الزراعة الفيدرالية الأمريكية مصانع اللحوم الخاصة بمكدونالدز الواقعة بمدينة أوكلاهوما في ولاية مواكي الأمريكية بسبب إكتشاف لحوم خيول ولحوم بشرية بنسب تم إثباتها في مختبرات حكومية .. حيث يفقد سنويا 270000 طفل في شمال أمريكا وحدها ، وقد أكتشف لحوم بعضهم بتحليل DNA ضمن همبرجر مكدونالدز .. تجدر الإشارة إلى أن سلسلة مطاعم مكدونالدز هي يهودية ماسونية بإمتياز ..

​هذا ما تاكلونه من ماكدونالدز ومبسوطين .. أرسلوها حتى يعلم الجميع​

Closed the federal ministry of agriculture of American meat packing plant special Mcdonald, located in the city of Oklahoma. In the state of mo aki discovered America because meat horses and human meat ratios that have been proven in a government laboratory.. where is lost each year 270000 children in North America alone, having discovered meat some dna analysis within Mcdonald's hamburgers.. It should be noted that the Mcdonald's chain is Jewish Masonic with distinction.

Viral video:

Our Analysis – The above news is completely nonsense and rubbish. They do not serve human meat at McDonalds. The news was circulated that in one of the outlets of McDonalds in Oklahoma, human meat and horse meat was served. It looked in pink colour. Some of the hoax verifier sites have also confirmed that it is fake news –

Conclusion – It is fake news and can be termed as hoax.

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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