A message is being circulated whatsapp and facebook regarding women’s safety, where they are being fooled by innocent child in order to take them to certain address and steal, rape or Kidnap that girl or person
eRumor made by – Internet and social media
Confirmation by Ayupp.com – Unproven
More Samples –
Message for each and every girl who go to college or office alone. If u find any child crying on road showng his/her address and asking you to take him/her to that address, take that child straight away to police station and plz donttakethem to that address. It is a new way of a gangto steal, rape & kidnap girls. Plz Forward allgirls& also boys who having sisters & friends.Plz dont feel shy to forward this message.. Ourone message may save a girl.This message is Published by CNN & NDTV. Plzcirculate & Plzzz forward this message at anycost plzzzz, Think that ur saving ur lover,sisters,cousin sisters ,mother, wife ..........n....... life.By sending one msg you are saving 100000000life I know u will do it so just do it...!!!
Sample2: Guys Notice Please:Message for each and every
girl who go tocollege Or office alone.If u find
any child crying on road showng his/her
address and asking you to take him/ her tothat
address, take that child straight away to police
station and plz dont take them to that address.It
is a new way of a gang to steal, rape &
kidnapgirls.Plz Forward all girls & also boys who
havingsisters & friends.Plz dont feel shy to
forward this message..Our one message may
save a girl. This messageis published by CNN &
NDTV.Plz circulate & Plzzz forward this message
at anycost plzzzz, Think that ur saving ur lover,
sisters,cousin sisters ,mother, wife ..........n.......
life.SHARE it plz !! Or copy and post it.
Ayupp Analysis – As per our analysis we did not get any credible evidence to support these viral messages nor did we get any messages to go against the message. Actually we did not get any crime committed in such.
The above message can be taken as a warning message and precautionary steps might be taken as given in the message just to be safe.
The message is hence unproven just to make it safe for any person, if you get to any such encounter use your mind and be little more cautious and don’t try to be a hero.
Any such messages have not come from any government organization like police department or the government of any country. So there is no point in circulating this messages.
r any person, if you get to any such encounter use your mind and be little more cautious and don’t try to be a hero.