Viral Message: The Pakistan government has approved a motion to declare standard Mandarin, the main language spoken in China, as an official language, was said by many of leading India Media. Is false
eMessage on – Social media and internet
Fact Check by Ayupp– False/ goof up
Viral message example- The Pakistan government has approved a motion to declare standard Mandarin, the main language spoken in China, as an official language, Pakistan media reported.
Above quote from DNA
The Indian media on Monday and Tuesday reported with great haste declared that Pakistan had decided to make Mandarin one of the country’s official languages, apart from Urdu and English.
These were just a few of the many publications that reported their version of the same story, though now many have updated: the list included News18, Outlook.com, India Today, India.com, International Business Times and more.
Viral Message Verification:- Looks like after the technology entry in Pakistan and other country, the Chinese are also infiltration the language of One country Pakistan. As per several media houses running in India goof up over the language of Pakistan that they are going to use Mandarin as their official language.
It looks like this was picked up after a tweet from Pakistan’s Abb Tkk, a local television channel from Pakistan.
Naila Inayat tweeted “Pakistani Senate approves motion to declare Chinese as 'Official Language'. Not to forget that regional languages of Pakistan face extinction and Senate wants to impose Chinese because of #CPEC?”
Pakistani Senate approves motion to declare Chinese as 'Official Language'. Not to forget that regional languages of Pakistan face extinction and Senate wants to impose Chinese because of #CPEC? pic.twitter.com/vQsWj5Julf
— Naila Inayat (@nailainayat) February 19, 2018
Senate Approves Motion to Declare Chinese as Official Languagehttps://t.co/GpMvhR0anu pic.twitter.com/lbbinXweXb
— AbbTakk (@AbbTakk) February 19, 2018
Many India media after this, in the race to be first to spread this news gave the wrong information. The media houses like republictv, DNA, news18, timesnow and many other started to give the wrong information that “Pakistan government has approved a motion to declare standard Mandarin”
However as can be seen from the Pak government site http://senate.gov.pk
27 SENATOR KHALIDA PARVEEN to move the following resolution:-
This House recommends that, in view of the growing
collaboration between Pakistan and China under the CPEC, courses of the Official Chinese Language should be launched for
all current and prospective Pakistani CPEC human resource in
order to overcome any costly communication barriers
Clearly it can be seen that Pakistan might be inching towards Mandarine, but it has not yet been declared as their official language.
A motion about Mandarin was in fact passed in the Pakistan senate, but it was about teaching the official Chinese language to citizens.
Also as per the cpecinfo
PCI and JS Group launch Chinese Language Classes
Islamabad: Launch event for Chinese Language Classes, a joint initiative of the Pakistan-China Institute and JS Group, was held on Monday, 19th February 2018 in Islamabad. Pakistan-China Institute on the occasion launched its research report “CPEC: Facts vs. Fiction”. The event was jointly organized by PCI and JS Group. Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate, Yao Jing, Chinese Ambasaador, Jahangir Siddiqui, Chairman JS Group, and Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairman Pakistan-China Institute were present at the occasion. A MoU was also signed by Mustafa Hyder Sayed, Executive Director PCI and Kamran Nasir, CEO JS Global Capital Ltd. MoU signing ceremony was followed by a panel discussion on CPEC: Facts vs. Fiction.
Wires news agency ANI, also wrote an entire story citing Abb Takk. ANI’s story also included a tweet by Pakistan’s former ambassador to the United States
Mandarin approved as official language of Pakistan
ANI | Updated: Feb 19, 2018 23:10 IST
Islamabad [Pakistan], Feb 19 (ANI): The Pakistani Senate on Monday approved a motion to declare Mandarin as one of the official languages of Pakistan.
The motion said the step was necessary in view of ties between Pakistan and China, AbbTakk News reported.
Twitter comments on the new development
China is creeping slowly into Pakistan and someday they will rule us but we are so blind to see that. As long as our politicians are getting kickbacks, all is good