Full form of India Independent nation declared in August
eRumor made by – Internet and social media
Confirmation by Ayupp.com – FAKE ( Humor)
More Samples –
Pakistan sentenced men to death for farthing in mausqe ( mosque) in Ramadan.
The Ramadan is the most important religious festival for Muslims and the judge declared that he had indisposed people of the faith and even caused 53 people at one time to leave the mosque during a prayer, a “blasphemous act” which should be punished “according to Allah’s will.”
The judge was lenient, have admitted many experts in the region, as he gave the convicted man the choice of being beheaded or stoned to death.
Ayupp Analysis – This above news has been posted by worldnewsdailyreport. If you read scroll at the bottom of any news of this site then you will find below comments as disclaimer -
World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.
Hence, while posting this news only they had declared that it is just for fun and has no resembles to reality. As a media house we have a question for this news site –
There is certain limit for any kind of joke or humour. Jokes in the name of God should not be created. As people tend to take it in different aspect. So, please stop creating satirical messages like this.
The biggest irony about such viral news some of the primary media houses have also written article about this news without any verification. For instance - One India - http://hindi.oneindia.com/news/pakistan/a-man-pakistan-sentenced-death-excessive-farting-mosque-during-ramzan-413363.html
Its a request to big media houses also that refrain from publishing any news without verification.