Viral Message: What started as, apparently, a simple joke, has ended up with two priests arrested after they were caught putting weed into the botafumeiro of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.

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Fact Check by Ayupp–   Fake

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What started as, apparently, a simple joke, has ended up with two priests arrested after they were caught putting weed into the botafumeiro of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.

Since this is not a Jacobean year (because July 25 isn’t Sunday), this church uses the botafumeiro on January 6 to celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. Several people declared that this time, the botafumeiro had a strange smell. “It wasn’t smelling like always, and it was a familiar smell.” said a man.

After finishing the mass, the two priests were arrested by the Police after confirming that it was a prank by them. They claimed that “people were happier than they had even been”.

Both priests were freed with no charges, but won’t be able to work as priests again.

Viral Message Verification:-  As reported by a satire website that “What started as, apparently, a simple joke, has ended up with two priests arrested after they were caught putting weed into the botafumeiro of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.” Is a fake news created to make a hype and get more page view for the above mentioned site.

The news titled 2 Priests Arrested After Putting Weed Into A Thurible, this as well is not original as it is copied from yet another Spanish website haynoticia.

Which writes “Lo que empezó según parece como una broma ha acabado con dos monaguillos gallegos pasando la noche en el calabozo tras ser pillados metiendo marihuana en el botafumeiro de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela.”, whose English version is also same.

The website 8shit is a satire and it also claims in the about section page which reads as

8Shit is a satire news and humor website. All its content is fiction (except those posts under the "serious" category) and shouldn't be taken as real. All references, names and marks or institutions in this website are used as contextual elements, like in any novel or science-fiction story.

So analyzing all this we can claim the news is fake and not a good joke either.

About The Author

Olivia Murakami is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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