
Red Alert 3 days Mumbai Delhi Tamil Nadu Karachi Indian States

Assertion made by – Social media and internet.

Confirmation by – FAKE

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Delhi government has issued 'RED Alert' for 3 days.*
Mean temperature will be between 45.1 to 48.5degrees Celsius
Please drink 6-7 liters of water a day, Avoid going out in open sun from 11AM- 4 PM. It will witness Heat Waive and night temperature will be above 5 degrees from Normal. Circulate this message in family & friends. Only trees and God can help us

Similar messages have been spread for these states as well - Telangana government / Tamilnadu government /  Goa / All Municipal Corporations / Karachi Municipal Corporation / Surat Municipal Corporation / Mumbai/ Pune Municipal Corporation / GHMC / Kurnool Municipal Corporation / Raichur/ Gulbarga/BIDAR Municipal Corporation / Jharkhand/Jamshedpur / Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan (VMSS)

Ayupp Analysis- State governments do issue a message when temperature rises. For instance, in may 2016, temperature has soared in almost 7 states of India and hence red and orange alerts were sent by state governments to the respective states. It was reported by India today and other mainstream media channels. 

But the above messages are about 2017, for April month. This message is termed as fake because it is being spread on similar lines for all the states (Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Surat, Mumbai, Pune, GHMC, Kurnool, Riachur, Gulbarga, Bidar, Jharkhand, Vadodara and even Karachi).

All the states cannot face similar disaster with exactly same amount of temperature rise (45.1 to 48.5degrees Celsius). Looks funny to read such message. There is official page for each state government, they will release these red alerts on their sites along with mainstream media channels. None has reported this message. Hence we declare this message a fake and hoax, spread to terrify people. When real time alert will be issued people might not consider it real. So, please verify the link and then share it on social media.

Stay awake stay happy. Verify and kill hoax messages by not sharing it.

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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