Ronald McDonald" statue was removed this morning, because Taco Bell employee's across the street found it to be offensive

eMessage made by – Social media and internet

Confirmation by Ayupp.com – Fake

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Ronald McDonald" statue was removed this morning, because Taco Bell employee's across the street found it to be offensive

All these Statues being taken down even Ronald isn't safe... Ronald McDonald statue was removed this morning, because Burger King employee's across the street found it to be offensive.

Ayupp Analysis – The image being circulated on the social media is about Ronald McDonald statue was stolen from a Hunterdon County McDonald's, the statue was stolen in April, 2017, but was found and returned.

The statue returned was not damaged said the Restaurant owner Phil and Diane Koury.

 For more news on the stolen statue read Here

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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