India, Mumbai: Recently In Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamana, Shiv Sena Chief Uddhav Thackeray has slammed Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for not removing his footwear while garlanding a photo of Shivaji.

He garlanded (photo of) Shivaji Maharaj while wearing chappals. I felt like taking the same chappals and hitting his face with it," wrote the Shiv Sena chief

The Shiv Sena chief, Uddhav Thackeray got back a reply from the CM of Uttar Pradesh, for his statement that he insulted Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Launching a scathing attack at the Shiv Sena chief, CM Yogi Adityanath said he doesn’t need to learn manners from him!

 He doesn't know the reality.Don't need to learn manners from Uddhav Thackeray. I have more manners than him & I know how to pay tribute. Don't need to learn that from him:CM Yogi Adityanath on Uddhav Thackeray's comment on him about garlanding a photo of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Uddhav Thackeray is 2nd luckiest after Rahul with no talent, enjoying power due to his father. what's his credential except son of Balasaheb? Death of Balasaheb was end of real Shiv Sena. They themselves don't know which side they're. Uddhav trying to reap benefit from both ends.

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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