WhatsApp virus in the name of NDA

eMessage made by – Social media and internet

Confirmation by Ayupp.com –FAKE

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WhatsApp virus can hack personal info on users’ phones.

Ayupp Analysis –  This news was viral in Jan 2017. The message claimed that two excel sheets are circulated online “NDA-ranked-8th-toughest-College-in-the-world-to-get-into.xls” and “NIA-selection-order-.xls”. It claimed that these messages could be forwarded in the form of excel sheet, word or pdf format. When user opens such message a virus might enter your phone and access your private data. This news even covered Financial express http://www.financialexpress.com/industry/technology/whatsapp-virus-indian-security-forces-in-danger/496336/

The news stated that the National Defence Academy is under lense of spamsters and government must take some action. Apart from Financial express this news was also covered technology inquirer.

Since the news has become viral there has been no incidence heard about this anywhere on the internet or real life. Hence we consider this message as spam as no one ever faced any issue related to this WhatsApp virus.  

About The Author

Isabella is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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