जी एस टी के अलावा यह टैक्स भी आप को भरना ही है

इन्कम टैक्स

वॉटर टैक्स…

eRumor made by – Social Media and Internet

Confirmation by Ayupp.com – TRUE – But GST never meant to abolish these taxes.

More Samples – जी एस टी के अलावा यह टैक्स भी आप को भरना ही है

इन्कम टैक्स

वॉटर टैक्स

प्रोपर्टी टैक्स

रोड टैक्स

टोल टैक्स

शॉप एन्ड इस्टैब्लिशमेंट टैक्स

प्रोफेशनल टैक्स

ड्रॉइविंग लाइसेंस की फीस नवीनीकरण फीस

टी. डी. एस.

निराश्रित टैक्स

मंडी टैक्स

निर्यात कर (नगरपालिका)

एन्ट्री टैक्स

(कृपया इस सूची को आगे बढ़ाए)

*कृपया एक देश, एक टैक्स का अर्थ बताएं.....

Ayupp Analysis – This news is correct, but not represented in correct sense. Goods and services tax never meant to replace entire tax system. As the name suggests, it always meant to reduce burden on the business. It is also focussed on proper tax system. So that each and every person should pay taxes that they are eligible for.

GST targets to replace below taxes –

Central Excise Duty (CENVAT)

Additional Excise Duties The Excise Duty levied under the Medicinal and Toiletries Preparations (Excise Duties) Act 1955

Service Tax

Additional Customs Duty, commonly known as Countervailing Duty (CVD)

Special Additional Duty of Customs – 4% (SAD)

Surcharges and Cesses levied by Centre

Central Sales Tax

VAT / Sales tax

Entertainment tax (unless it is levied by the local bodies)

Luxury tax

Taxes on lottery, betting and gambling

State Cesses and Surcharges in so far as they relate to supply of goods and services

Octroi and Entry Tax

Purchase Tax

Other taxes mentioned in this message will be there as they do not relate to Goods and Services. One Tax system means only for Goods and Service and not for existing days to day taxes. Government of India never mentioned that other taxes will be abolished.

Don’t get bluffed by such messages.

Read entire details about GST on the official page of Government of India website - 




About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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