You can get an * Aadhaar card * verification call anytime, you will be asked your Aadhaar number
eRumor made by – Internet and social media
Confirmation by Ayupp.com – FAKE
More Samples –
❗ * An urgent note
*Avoid Fake Calls on Aadhar*
You can get an * Aadhaar card * verification call anytime, you will be asked your Aadhaar number and it will be called Verification Call from Idea, Airtel, Vodafone (whichever is your mobile operator).
You will be told that if you have Aadhaar card then press 1, then you will be asked for your Aadhaar number.
Almost all the people's bank accounts are linked to the Aadhaar card, so you will also be asked to press some more buttons.
Then you will be asked for the otp that came on your mobile. Once you press the one time password, the bank account linked to your Aadhaar card will free up and the call will be automatically cut.
Avoid such fake times and save your friends and ridders
You do not tell your * Aadhaar card * number. Your * bank account * will be empty
Do not go to anybody's hoax
This post is also accessible to other people.
Issued in public interest:-
Ayupp Analysis – The above message is widely circulated on whatsapp and facebook and they are asking not to share your Aadhaar number.
The above message can also be in image and audio format. However there is no advice from the government on this.
OTP – one time password is delivered to your mobile via SMS, this is used to make transfers of moneyThe main thing in any transaction is the OTP number, don’t send this to anyone. There are many cases when people have shared their OTP number and suffered a huge loss monetarily.