Demonetization - Top 10 safety tips when using ATM
Demonetization, ATM Safety Tips: PM Modi announced discontinuation of 500 and 1000 notes on 8th Nov 2016. From 9th Nov, India was not same for Indians. They had to struggle a lot to get a feel of their own money. Who had kept older notes feared, how to convert it and those who had money in banks were doubtful of how to withdraw it? There were also people who had no estimate of how they had money with them. So they started thinking of how to dissolve it or convert it illegally.
Whatever people thought was a different matter, the one thing that concerned all was to how safely use their Debit card in ATM machines. Since, we have increased out card usage so it is mandatory that know how our card can be used safely.
We did a thorough research and came up with following top 10 safety tips which you should follow while using ATM:
- Do not enter any ATM machine located at a remote and low light area. Such area is not safe as there could be any intruder or someone looking to physically hurt you. It’s advisable to use ATMs which are in crowded places, or inside a building, shopping complex or on within Bank premises.
- Don’t be in a hurry to withdraw money. There are chances that someone has installed hidden camera on the ATM machine. This camera is fitted on the front, where you insert your card. It can scan your card and its copy could be created. Since it has already recorded your PIN. So they can use it at their own comfortable time. If you find any such ATM with cameras installed then do inform the Bank.
- You should keep an eye on the people surrounding you while you withdraw money from ATM machine. Someone might be phishing on your finger movement for get the PIN details. To save yourself from such attacks, it is best practise to cover your hand the time you are entering PIN. Make a habit of memorizing your PIN number. So that you don’t have to read it from somewhere at the time of money withdrawal.
- Don’t allow anyone to stand near you the time you enter your PIN. Usually, there is a security person in each ATM. You can take his help in case someone is standing near you. Usually it is a standard practice that only one person should inside ATM machine.
- If you are facing some issues inside ATM. Don’t take help from someone you don’t know. You can take help from the customer care of Bank. Else if the security is available then he can be helpful. Remember, DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION TO SECURITY AS WELL.
- Sometimes, due to some technical fault, the card can be stuck inside ATM. You should not panic in such cases. Call the bank immediately. They will return back the card to you once the ATM operator service visits it and you can collect the card in Bank.
- Once you complete your transactions, make sure that you log out completely. Different Bank ATMs behave differently. For eg. At HDFC ATM, it keeps on asking questions even after cash is withdrawn. Even if you take back your ATM card, the question continue. For instance, it waits for your input to start next transaction. Many people who are in hurry to take out cash, forget to logout completely in such scenario and become victims.
- There can also be scenario when card comes out of ATM when all questions are over. As soon as we get cash, we are in a hurry to leave ATM. In such scenario, your card comes out when other customer checks in. Just think of the scenario, the other customer has got full access to your card and cash. Be careful of doing such silly mistakes.
- It’s a common practice that we never change our ATMs PIN, throughout the lifetime of the card. By default it never gets expired as well. Make it a habit of changing ATM pins frequently.
- Your Card can be copied at any place you use it. Like while using it a shopping malls or any retail shop. At online shopping sites, a lot of card copy machines are available to make a twin of your card. I mean to say that never provide anyone opportunity to scan your card. It can happen that while you are waiting in the queue at ATM, you are holding your card in hand and someone is having his sharp eyes and hidden camera on it.
Remember – "Delay is better than disaster" – Thought from Sully movie.