Norway, Digital Radio: In what can be termed as one of the greatest move by any country, Norway has now become the first country in the world to implement digitalization of radio and eliminate radio broadcast entirely. The move to implement radio digitization was first taken in Norway parliament in the year 2011. The process of digitization of digital radio begun in 2015 and finally started on 11 January, 2017. It first started from Nordland for Norway to become 100% digital radio and by the year end of 2017 all of Norway will be radio digital.
The digitization means that FM radio broadcasts in Norway will be switched off, except broadcasts from smaller local radio stations. vvvvvvvv v
The first step in digitization in Norway will help several other countries in the world like India to follow the footstep and implement Digital Radio.
Advantage of digitization of radio
Open Door: The Radio digitization will open the door for radio to spread even further across the countries. Listeners can hear more diverse content . Digitisation will greatly effect and improve emergency preparedness
More FM: FM system in Norway has only space for five national channels, DAB already offers 22 and there capacity for another 20. In addition more than half of the population already has access to local radio on Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB).
Cost Factor: Transmitting national radio channel through FM network is eight times more than the DAB netwoek, P4, Radio Norge and NRK in Norway. With the termination of the analogue services, the Norway’s national radio channels will achieve savings of more than NOK 200 million a year which will help in releasing funds for investment in radio content. Norway’s Culture Ministry estimated that it would save 180 million kroner a year, or about $25 million.
Origin of FM Radio
FM broadcasting originated in the United States in the 1930s and arrived in Norway in the 1950s.
Some other countries which have considered dropping FM broadcast are Britain, Switzerland and Denmark, but no decision has been made; Sweden abandoned the idea after making this consideration.
From FM to digital radio
The switchover will take place gradually over the course of 2017 and will start in the county of Nordland in January. To see when FM signals will be switched off in other counties.
Once the switchover has been completed, radio listeners will have access to digital radio via several platforms, such as DAB+, internet, mobile telephones/apps and TV.