Swacch Bharat – Film Star and owner of Rajasthan Royals IPL T20 team, Shilpa Shetty has been appointed as the Brand Ambassador for cleanliness initiative Swachh Bharat Mission by the Central Government of India. This announcement was made by Director of Swachh Bharat Mission and Urban Development Ministry Joint Secretary Praveen Prakash on 24th Feb 2016. Recently we saw the tv add done by Shilpa Shetty, so decided to do review about that ad. Watch the below video and then our analysis.

The video starts with Shilpa Shetty calling a grocery owner who throws all the garbage from his shop on the center of road. The man ( seth jee) looks bit confused and amused when he gets call from Shilpa Shetty. It looks he is trying to divert mind of Shilpa by not understanding what she is telling. Finally when she tells him about the garbage ( kachde ka dher) in front of his own shop. Seth jee looks ashamed by the comments from Shilpa ( Sharma jee – Shame Shame). The video continues and asks the viewers to throw wet garbage in blue dustin and dry garbage in green dustin. 5th June is celebrated as a world Environment day. So this message asks everyone to take pledge for the cleanliness. #PledgeToSegregate

The message ends with a note that if you throw garbage on road then Shilpa might call you and make you feel ashamed of your act.

Frankly speaking, this ad is good, but it could have been better. In real life if Shilpa starts calling to the person who throws garbage on road, then everyone will start throwing garbage on the road only and expect Shilpa to call them.

The concept of Green and Blue garbage is still not implemented by tier cities like Bangalore also. Then how can we expect it to be implemented in other small cities. Forget to even think about this districts and villages. I highly appreciate the steps taken by Modi Government (previous government didn’t even think about this matter). But still we can improve on this by thinking at more grass root level. For instance –

  1. Each society or city can have some self-destructing garbage system. For instance in United States there is a High-Powered Plasma Turns Garbage Into Gas. https://www.wired.com/2012/01/ff_trashblaster/

We should also start thinking about such ideas, because there is very less place in cities to dump the garbage. Where ever it is dumped it creates new problem.

  1. Stop throwing garbage in lakes or rivers.
  2. Educate people to use lesser plastics for carry bag. Or if possible it should be banned in entire nation.
  3. Government should open a forum for people’s suggestions and try to implement them in real life.
  4. More people and Shilpa Shetty and other stars should be invited to educated people about the harmful effects of dust and pollution.

The Swachh Bharat Mission’s aim is to make India open defecation free by 2019. We all should join hands to make India dust free, which will make is disease free.

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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