Subscription Expired for Whatsapp – Pay and use it

eRumor made by – Internet and social media

Confirmation by – FAKE

More Samples – 

Your Subscription has expired. To verify your account and purchase a lifeteim subscription for just 0.99 GBP simply tap on this link

Ayupp Analysis - In this period of social media, There is important role of WhatsApp in spreading news and information to more and more people. But now it is becoming a headache for many people. Actually, there are many fake news and rumours spreading in it.

The recent case itself is linked to WhatsApp. Under this, bogus news is going on whit speed, which is being sent by people to claim that the membership of the app has ended. They have to pay to use it again.

This fake message says that your membership is over. Spend 0.99 pounds (about 90 rupees) to subscribe to your account and subscribe to Lifetime and tap this link.... If you have received similar messages, then delete it immediately.

But, if you click on the link, you will also see that your computer is running antivirus so that the device is not infected. Users should keep in mind that WhatsApp is a free message service, which takes no charge for it.

For information about this news check the below link –

About The Author

Pravin Pathak is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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