Lottery related messages are going viral on social media.

Fact Check News: Every day, a different piece of news spreads quickly on social media. Several news stories are false. Nonetheless, people ignore it. It is crucial in this situation to let people know which news is real and which is bogus.One such message is going viral very fast.

Many people are getting these messages through messages or emails.

This message is related to lottery. It went so viral that PIB had to do a fact check. PIB tweeted from the official Twitter handle saying that are you also receiving suspicious messages, emails or calls related to lottery?

News Verification: As per PIB's Fact Check, beware of such fake lottery related messages, calls and emails. These are attempts at financial fraud by thugs. Check out this PIB Face Tree and save yourself from being a victim of fraud. PIB has declared it fake in its fact check.At the same time, earlier a message on social media regarding the free laptop scheme was becoming increasingly viral.Students from high school and colleges are using this strategy in this situation.

The message of a free laptop promotion with a link is currently going popular on social media

.Describing it as misleading, PIB has termed the message and link as completely fake. Also said that there is no such scheme on which free laptops are being given to the youth. Also cautioned against sharing your personal details

.News Verdict: There is no such scheme on which free laptops are being given to the youth. Also cautioned against sharing your personal details.The viral news is fake. 


About The Author

Archana Roy is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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