A photo is going viral on social media. In the viral picture, it is being claimed that there has been a huge conflict between the soldiers of India and China.

Fact Check: The tension between India and China on the border with Ladakh has remained tense for the last several months. Tension has once again been seen between the soldiers of the two countries this week. Meanwhile, a photo is going viral on social media. In the viral picture, it is being claimed that there has been a huge conflict between the soldiers of India and China. The post claims that Chinese soldiers are occupying a bunker in Ladakh.

News Verification: Ayupp news found that the viral picture is old and the accompanying claim is fake. This is a picture of a joint India-China humanitarian aid and disaster relief exercise that was held in Ladakh in October 2016. There were many media reports related to the humanitarian aid and disaster relief exercise between India and China in October 2016.

To verify the claims of the viral image, we searched the image in reverse image search. We found many articles related to this picture.

The same picture was found on the official Twitter handle of the Northern Command of the Indian Army. The Northern Command tweeted the image on 20 October 2016 saying "Joint Sino-Indian Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Exercise conducted by troops in Ladakh.To verify the claims of the viral image, we searched the image in reverse image search.

We found many articles related to this picture.

The same picture was found on the official Twitter handle of the Northern Command of the Indian Army. The Northern Command tweeted the image on 20 October 2016 saying "Joint Sino-Indian Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Exercise conducted by troops in Ladakh.

News Verdict: The viral picture is old and the accompanying claim is fake. This is a picture of a joint exercise of India-China humanitarian aid and disaster relief.


About The Author

Ashwin Roy is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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