New Delhi: Statistics of Road Accidents in India based in different scenario like total accidents, two wheeler, 4 wheeler, where, how and when the accidents happened, know complete statistics
ROAD ACCIDENTS IN INDIA – 2016, complete report
1. Road Accidents : A Snapshot
2. Road Accident Parameters and Change over the Previous Year
3. Age Group of Victims of Road Accidents - 2016
4. Percentage Share of Road Accidents, Person Killed and Injured on different type of Roads in 2016
5. 86.5% of total number of Road Accidents accounted by 13 States (2016)
6. 83.7% of total number of Persons Killed in Road Accidents accounted by 13 States(2016)
7. 87.8% of total number of Persons Injured in Road Accidents accounted by 13 States(2016)
8. Share of Top 5 States (in percentage) in Total Number of Road Accidents & Fatalities: 2016
9. Inter-City Comparison(2016) (50 cities with a million plus population)
10. Cities with Higher Road Accidents – 2016
11. Accidents based on the Age of Vehicles (in percentages) : 2016
12. Accidents according to Vehicular Defect: 2016
13. Accidents based on the Age of Vechicles (In percentage): 2016
14. Accidents according to Road conditions/ features: 2016
15. Accidents according Age of Drivers: 2016
16. Accidents according to educational qualifications of Drivers: 2016
17. Vulnerable Road Users (2016)
18. Type of Licence and Road Accidents: 2016
19. Locations with Higher Accidents: 2016
20. Multi-causal Nature of Road Accident
21. Factors responsible for Road Accidents as reported by States/U.Ts : 2016
22. Drivers’ Fault- Main factor responsible for accidents: 2016
23. Responsibilities of Drivers: 2016
24. Other Parameters of Road Accidents: 2016
25. Accidents at Junctions: 2016
26. Use of Safety Devices: 2016
27. Improving Road Accident Database
28. Government Initiatives
29. Recent Measures taken by MoRTH