Digitalization of land record from 1950 and subsequent liningto Aadhar numbers of owners
eRumor made by – Internet and social media
Confirmation by Ayupp.com – FAKE
More Samples –
The undersigned is directed to inform the chief Secretaries, Addl. Chief Secretaries of the states, Union Territories (including the National records, sale and purchase record. Mutationrecords, sale and purchase recordsfromyear 1950 – of any immovable property (see section2 of theincome Tax Act 1961 and subsequently amended) etc by 14th August 2017.
The Union of India by the Act of Parliament is considering linking Aadhaar Numbers with the ownershipof said properties. The properties which are not linked shall be considered for appropriate action under the Benami Transaction (Probhibition) Amemded Act 2016 White Paper“ for the same is hereby attached. Suggested on the same should be addressed to the Prime Ministers Office.
Ayupp Analysis – The fake letter is in circulation widely. However the central government has said the linking of the Aadhaar to the land records as fake.
The clarification if this was also given in the government PIB site it said “The letter attributed to Cabinet Secretariat on Aadhaar linking to land records is completely fake and mischievous”.