Brief Outline: A Message circulating on pro Modi group on the social media states “India is a land of fools where the government spends crores of rupees on Shahi Snan for hypocrites rather than on drinking water”
Facts Check: False
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यह है कांग्रेस की महासचिव प्रियंका गांधी जो आज लखनऊ से अपनी पारी की शुरुआत करने जा रहे हैं
जो साधु संतों को ढोंगी और पाखंडी बता रही हैं इनको सबक सिखाना जय माता दी
Translated: India is a land of fools where the government spends crores of rupees on Shahi Snan for hypocrites rather than on drinking water
Google Advertisement:भारत मूर्खो का देश है जहाँ सरकार लोगो के पीने के पानी पर नही बल्कि ढोंगी और पाखंडियों के शाही स्नान पे करोडो का खर्च करती है
— Priyanka Gandhi INC Congress party (@Priyanka_G_VINC) February 3, 2019
Facts Check Analysis: Recently Priyanka Gandhi, joined the active politics and ever since many fake twitter/facebook account have taken her place on the social media. This fake account’s have already started their work, by imitating Priyanka and sending fake message from this fake facebook/twitter accounts.
As per our information Priyanka Gandhi, do not have any official social media account.