Brief Outline: The Message claims of Muslim violence in Birmingham during Ramadan2018 !!! They want to close the road to eat on the roads. Brain-dead liberal twats have the nerve to call this violent ideology #islam as the ReligionOfPeace
Ayupp Verification: Fake
Fake news Example:
“इस छुट्टियों में कश्मीर मत जाओ कश्मीर के युवक टूरिस्ट गाड़ियों पर पत्थर बरसाते हुए” (This vacation don’t go to Kashmir. Kashmiri youth pelting stones at tourists’ cars – translated).This message is currently circulating on social media along with a video showing rioters attacking cars on a street. It has been claimed that the incident occurred in Kashmir when a group of youth began pelting stones at cars of tourists visiting the valley on vacation.
#Muslim violence in Birmingham during #Ramadan2018 !!! They want to close the road to eat on the roads .... Brain-dead liberal twats have the nerve to call this violent ideology #islam as the #ReligionOfPeace
Google Advertisement:Detailed Analysis: In a video shared on the social media claims of Muslims violence in Birmingham during Ramadan!!! They want to close the road to eat on the roads”,In the video the rioters can be seen attacking and running on the street and breaking the cars even, however the fact is that the incident occurred in Basel, Switzerland. And not in Birmingham, U.K.
See the actual video below
As per the article below Following the football championship match between Basel and Lucerne, violent clashes broke out late on Saturday evening in Basel. At least two participants were injured. The police controlled several participants and arrested two Germans at the age of 23 and 29 years.
The investigation so far of the Kriminalpolizei of the public prosecutor's office revealed that at the Birsstrasse between the stadium and Redingstrasse bridge piers of the motorway bridge were painted by about 30 people in white protective suits, the prosecution writes in a statement on Sunday.
Rund 90 Personen prügeln und randalieren nach FCB-Match in Basel
Im Nachgang zum Fussball-Meisterschaftsspiel zwischen Basel und Luzern ist es am späten Samstagabend in Basel zu gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen gekommen. Mindestens zwei Beteiligte wurden verletzt. Die Polizei kontrollierte mehrere Beteiligte und nahm zwei Deutsche im Alter von 23 und 29 Jahren fest.
The manner has been shared on WhatsApp, as a large number of individual users have uploaded it on their Facebook timelines with identical or similar text.