Donald Trump Ignored a Disabled Child JK Rowling

eMessage made by –

Confirmation by Ayupp.com – Fake

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The child wasn't even trying to shake Trump's hand, his mother said.

He appears to refuse to shake the little guy's hand.

I was not going to share this because it's too depressing, but it needs to be seen by as. many people as possible. If you know a Trump supporter make certain they see this video.
This is Trump at his absolute worst.


Ayupp Analysis – Above video might be slightly fabricated. Check the below video. As soon as President Trump enters the conference room, first thing he does is to meet the disabled boy on the wheel chair. Famous writer J K Rowling also got confused by watching above video and started accusing Trump for this behaviour. However, later she realized her mistake and apologized for her mistake.

See the actual video where Trump shakes hand with the disabled kid -

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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