It is being spread on Social media that woman shaped fruit is being grown at Himalayas and in other countries as well. Below messages have been circulated online –
Fake message 1:
Photographs show the "Nareepol Tree" in Thailand - an amazing tree thatgrows fruit in the shape of women. Another version claims the"naarilatha plant" grows in the Himalayas and only blooms with its woman shapedflowers once every twenty years.
"Nareepol" in Thai. Naree means"girl/woman" and pol means plant/tree or "buah" in Malay. It means women tree. It is amazing what God create the World in manyforms that amused human beings….
You can see the real tree at Petchaboon province about almost 500 kms away from Bangkok.
Fake Message 2:
Nature is really amazing…Nareepol Tree....... Believe it or not?
This is a fruit in human shape.Unbelievable just have a look.
The " plant naarilatha phool "... found in Himalayas. It blooms once in 20 years and if you look ... the flowers are in the shape of a woman, ... This is amazing tree named "Nareepol" in Thai. Naree means "girl/woman" and pol means plant/tree or "buah" in Malay. It means women tree. It is amazing tree grows in Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Himalayas.
what God create the World in many forms that amused human beings….
You can see the real tree at Petchaboon province about almost 500 kms away from Bangkok.
Fake Video –
Girl on the Tree detailed – This message is about a woman shaped tree found in Thailand and Himalayan region. This tree grows at the Himmapan, a mythical forest where the female fruits. A strange tree. Mystery tree that 'bears fruit in the shape of WOMEN' But while many are amazed by the shape of the green fruits , others are less convinced by the confusing footage. The tree bearing fruits in the shape of girls.
As per Buddhist mythology , a tree known as the Nariphon bears the fruit of young female creatures and is said to grow in the mythical forest called Himaphan. Believed that souls or spirits lived inside of them appears to bear fruit in the exact shape of a young woman - and it's baffling the internet.
But while many are amazed by the shape of the green fruits , others are less convinced by the confusing footage.
In Buddhist mythology, a tree known as the Nariphon bears the fruit of young female creatures and is said to grow in the mythical forest called Himaphan.
The story goes that Buddhist God Indra a home in the forest for his wife Vessantara and his two children...
tree bearing fruits in the shape of girls Plants based on the belief of the legendary forest creatures. The plant is a smart girl. When ripe, the skin and the inverted gandharvas angel musician took to copulate.
When fruit started to come on the tree they just palce a mould on that fruit that mould is in shape of a girl then that fruit begins to form in that mould shape ( girl shape ) this is the reason or this tree producing girls.
Our Analysis – In real time no mold could grow the green girls using any fruit. The above message completely fake and baseless. In one of the comments section for this video it was mentioned that –
“It is made from fiberglass and wire, he said that the "simulator" on the Laos side is sold, but it is natural to sell it. I do not sell nearly every other.”
There is only same copy of video available online and no further details. On the similar lines, new related to lady flower was spread some days back which was also a fake news –
Conclusion – It is a very bad joke of somebody who have nothing to do than making dolls and hanging them on a tree. DO NOT SHARE AND PROMOTE SUCH NONSENSE NEWS. FAKE NEWS.