Bangladesh: A photo went viral of a couple kissing in rains immediately after a photojournalist Jibon Ahmed posted on his Facebook page on Monday. The picture was posted by Bangladeshi photojournalist Jibon Ahmed on Monday, which showed a couple kissing in the rain in front of Dhaka University’s Teachers and Students’ Centre, has set off a shocking chain of events. With many liking the photograph and many hard liners creating a backlash.

Some people perceived it as obscene, reportedly claiming that the picture promoted rape culture, even encouraging women to explore their sexuality and leave their homes.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Jibon Ahmed said that he was searching for photographs near the University on Monday and when he saw the couple ‘lip kissing’ he captured it and sent it to his newsroom.

However he was disappointed when the editors decided not to run it citing that it would prompt a negative response. In his reply to the editors, Ahmed said, "I said, no, you cannot portray this photo negatively, because I found it a symbol of pure love.”  

Next day, some of his fellow photographers roughed him up and his boss asked him to return his ID and official laptop without giving him a proper reason for firing him.

A social media post from Wednesday also claimed that Ahmed had been fired from his job at the news portal ‘Purbapashchimbd’. Ahmed remained unavailable for comment.

The identity of the pair has also not been released. Contacted, Jibon said: "It was an unknown pair and they did not forbid me while I was capturing them kissing. And I am yet to get any formal objection from any of them." 

About The Author

Chetan Sharma is an Indian fact-checker and news writer, writing news for Ayupp since 2014.

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