New Delhi. The Indian government has recently banned 118 Chinese apps. Which also includes the game app 'Pub-G'. After that, there was a lot of disappointment among the people. In view of this, actor Akshay Kumar has recently released a game poster. Which is named 'FAU-G'. The actor, sharing the poster, wrote that "he is very proud to carry forward the self-reliant mission of Prime Minister Narendra Modi". He also informed that 20% of the earnings from this app will be donated to Bharat Ke Veer Trust.
The actor said on the social media account, “Supporting PM @narendramodi’s AtmaNirbhar movement, proud to present an action game, Fearless And United-Guards FAU-G. Besides entertainment, players will also learn about the sacrifices of our soldiers. 20% of the net revenue generated will be donated to @BharatKeVeerTrust #FAUG "
Supporting PM @narendramodi’s AtmaNirbhar movement, proud to present an action game,Fearless And United-Guards FAU-G. Besides entertainment, players will also learn about the sacrifices of our soldiers. 20% of the net revenue generated will be donated to @BharatKeVeer Trust #FAUG
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) September 4, 2020
However, the social media users were not happy with the promotion of Akshaya Kumar, they criticized the Bollywood actor stating that the Poster is stolen from another game, Name is stolen from another game, Idea is stolen from another game.
Poster is stolen from another game
— Aakash Kumar (@_sky___07) September 5, 2020
Name is stolen from another game
Idea is stolen from another game
You are degrading the reputations of Indians worldwide. We can come up with original ideas . Copy cat
Boycott #FAUG @akshaykumar
— cherukurisurendra (@Surendra4106) September 5, 2020
Don't copy make it original @akshaykumar @FAUG_nCoreGames
In fact, the picture has appeared in a song called "Today We Rise" by the band Collision Of Innocence. A quick google search further suggests that the image used in Kumar's FAU-G game exists on the Shutterstock website, credited to Phet Thai.
However the image is not copied, it is available on Shutterstock and anyone can download it for free. So there is nothing wrong with using the image.