India, New Delhi: Chief Election Commissioner Sh. O.P. Rawat, Election Commissioners Sh. Sunil Arora and Shri Ashok Lavasa today launched the online RTI Portal of Election Commission of India.
The online portal will facilitate applicants seeking information under the Right to Information Act. The portal can be accessed by general public on the Home Page of the Commission’s website `’ by clicking on `Online RTI’. There is also online payment gateway for making payment of requisite fees under the RTI Act. The portal also facilitates online reply to applications and also for making first appeal and reply thereto. There will be timely notification alerts to RTI applicant via SMS and E-Mail.
Applicants seeking information from the Commission under the RTI Act can make use of the online portal. The offline mode of applications will also simultaneously continue.
Warning before filing any RTI as given in the portal, Please do not file RTI applications through this portal for the public authorities under the State Governments, including Government of NCT Delhi. If filed, the application would be returned, without refund of amount.
Through this portal, RTI applications/first appeals can be filed by Indian Citizens to only Election Commission of India. RTI applications/first appeals should not be filed for other ministries/ Public authorities under Central/State Govt. through this portal. Please read instructions carefully while submitting request/appeal.
The online RTI applications made in the past in the Portal of DOPT were downloaded and all such applications barring a few have been disposed of by giving suitable reply to the applicants. The remaining applications and First Appeals will be disposed of shortly.
This portal gives all the information on Right to Information, like what is RTI and how it can be filed.
THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005, An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
WHEREAS the Constitution of India has established democratic Republic;
AND WHEREAS democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of information which are vital to its functioning and also to contain corruption and to hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed; AND WHEREAS revelation of information in actual practice is likely to conflict with other public interests including efficient operations of the Governments, optimum use of limited fiscal resources and the preservation of
confidentiality of sensitive information; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to harmonise these conflicting interests while preserving the paramountcy of the democratic ideal;
Now. THEREFORE, it is expedient to provide for furnishing certain information to citizens who desire to have it.
The website of online RTI Portal of Election Commission of India is