China: China's government media has been continuously pursuing efforts to put pressure on India. A recent report of the Chinese media has said that if there is a standoff between the two countries between India and China, then the ultimatum can be issued to India by September on behalf of China.
In China's official newspaper Global Times, this is said in reference to the former Chinese Navy's admiral. Admiral has said that if India does not remove its soldiers till the deadline given in Ultimatum, then it will have to be ready to face the consequences.
In the news published in the Global Times, Admiral Shu Kwangu (retired) Shu Kwangu said, "If India, China's territory will deploy its army, then China's Foreign and Defense Ministry, before September will release an ultimatum. If India's army is present in China's territory after the completion of the Ultimatum, then it will be India will be responsible for any consequences"
Shu said that if India ignores ultimatum, then China has many ways to get India back. He said, "Removing a few dozen soldiers and a bulldozer from Dokalm is a children's game for the Chinese army." However, the retired admiral also said that there would be no impact on the BRICS summit. The focus will be especially focused on the cooperation between emerging economies. Earlier it was also said by the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman that the solution to the Doklam dispute could only be done when India withdrew its troops. This is the basic condition of China.